Our incoming phone lines are open 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. However, we are all here working full, normal hours, i.e. 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday, so if you need to email, or leave a voicemail, we will gladly respond promptly.
How cAn we help you with your Motorhome?
Whatever aspect of our Motorhome upholstery and furnishing services may interest you, we’ll happily give you options and prices, all in a friendly and professional manner.
By far the best way for us to answer your enquiry and give you prices, is for you to send us IMAGES of your interior, along with an idea of what work you are considering. This way we are able to explain all the various options open to you and how these effect the overall cost of what you're thinking of having done.
How we work
We will be happy to hear from you by phone on (0117) 941 0222, or by completing and submitting the enquiry form below.
We can either have your motorhome here for 2 weeks while we carry out your entire order. Or if you can’t leave your van with us, or all of our slots for having your van here are already booked-up, we would just borrow your items, without your van, just before we would be starting work on your order.
If you can’t leave your van with us and you're not local enough to drop off your items, then we can still help you!
Once you remove your cushions etc. from your motorhome and pack them into special bags that we provide, we have a FREE MAINLAND UK COLLECTION SERVICE so we can collect them by courier and bring the items back to us here in Bristol. We then do the reverse and send everything back to you when completed.
Re. Cab Seats: The one exception to this arrangement is the cab seats. If you would like them professionally re-trimmed, then collecting them by courier is not an option due to the likelihood of them getting damaged. Therefore we regret that we can only re-trim these if you can drop them off to us somehow. Please note that we do not make Removable covers for cab seats, we only permanently re-trim them.
Please complete and submit the form below. Please note that we are NOT asking for your telephone number so we can pester you, simply so that we can talk to you if necessary re your enquiry. We look forward to hearing from you.
We will never supply the details you submit to us to any other third party.
We are currently offering a 15% Discount off all orders placed. Just mention…
Motorhome Enquiry Form
Contact Details
Please contact us using the form, or details below.
The Caravan & Boat Seat Cover Centre Ltd, Block 11, Cater Business Park, Cater Road, Bishopsworth, Bristol BS13 7TW
0117 941 0222