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Our Touring Caravan Cushion Upholstery & Furnishings Gallery
Below are a selection of previously completed customer orders for Touring Caravans. For a larger selection of completed order images, please visit our facebook page.


"We would like to thank Lin Bond and all the staff at “The Caravan & Boat Seat Cover Centre” for the work they did in re-vamping our caravan. We have a 2003 Sterling Europa 480 caravan that we bought new, and after 15 years of use, the seats and cushions were showing their age with both fading and lack of support. I have attached photos of “Before”, “After”, and “Finished look”. We now have the caravan that we love, with an up to date look, for a cost of less than 10% of the £20,000 it would have cost for a new caravan. We would definitely recommend your services to anyone considering updating their upholstery."
Terry and Caroline French